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No Faith No Purpose

" Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," Hebrews 11:1.

What does this mean?

Faith is the confidence that the good and beneficial will happen, and the complete reproof of the things that come against what is good and beneficial.

What is Good?

  • Nahum 1:7 " The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him."

  • Mark 10:18 " And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."

  • Psalm 145:9 "The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made."


What is faith?

Faith is Confidence that God will be God and your life is beneficial in Him, even when it may not look like it.


If you do not have confidence that God will be God and MAKE your life beneficial(favorable or advantageous; resulting in good.), you will FEEL like you do not have a purpose(The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.). But do not be decieved by your feelings. It is a FACT that God made you for a purpose.

What should you do if you don't have faith?

  1. Read/ Listen to the word - " So faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" Romans 10:17 ESV

  • Read your bible. It is full of stories of faith both "great" and "small".Reading these stories will show you the goodness of God and encourage your spirit.

  • Commit to memorizing one verse a month. Write it. Read it. Say it. Daily.

  • Swap out music on car rides/walks/workouts fora biblical podcast. I suggest The Bible Project. ( Start with this episode God's Global Family)

2. Find the "substance of things hoped for" in your life

  • Find the good in your life and begin to document it. Search your life for the areas where God has shown up in your life and made it good despite of. Grab note cards and write each situation on a separate notecard. Add these notecards to a corkboard, a wall, or your bathroom mirror. Somewhere that you visit often. Whenever you see these cards read them. Whenever you are feeling faithless, read them.

3. Share the "substance of things hoped for" in your life

  • Share God's goodness for you with others. You can read write off of the note cards you created. Start with family members call your siblings and share, call your parents, grandparents, your significant other, begin to get in the habit of sharing, and watch how it exercises your faith.


  • Sis, pray. If you don't have any words, grab your goodness cards we talked about in point number 2 and begin thanking God for showing up in your life. Tell Abba father that you are struggling in your faith. Get spiritually, emotionally, and mentally naked with God.

As you begin to discipline yourself in exercising your faith with these 4 tips, over time, you will begin to see a distinct theme begin to unveil in your life. No longer will you:

  1. Seek validation and or justification from others to confirm and approve of you, your life, and your purpose.

  2. Look at the trouble in your life as bad, negative, or dark.

  3. Find guilt and shame in your story.

  4. Run from the voice, hand, or presence of God.

The theme of overwhelming, never-ending, reckless, relentless love, pursuit, and devotion of God towards you. I am not talking about fairytale love. I am talking about a love that is literally OUT OF THIS WORLD.

That is what happens when you believe that God is going to be God in your life. You see him moving, you begin to move with him, and his love captures you and causes you to be free from anything that ever tried to have you bond, desolate, and silent. Never again will you be silent with the muzzle of guilt and shame because the freedom of faith makes all things good.

I pray that this blog post blessed you and gave you some direction. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a Purpose Consultation click here

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