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Accountable to Who? Not you!

A is for accountability. Accountability is the condition of being required or expected to justify actions or decisions.Your purpose, has ability to justify your actions and decisions. If you are looking for accountability, find it in your purpose.

Your opportunity to live an abundant life lies in your willingness to live a life accountable to your purpose. This looks like allowing your purpose to justify every action and decision you make in this life. When your purpose begins to justify your actions and decisions you will begin to see the elimination of distractions, your true value, a boost in confidence, and a strengthening of your faith.

Today let's talk about how being accountable to your purpose eliminates distractions.

Your purpose is to glorify God. To glorify God means to show God as a great weight; unmovable, everything he says is solid, it holds heavy weight in your life and nothing can move you off of the unchanging words and being of God. You live your life in a way that shows that what God says is true & honorable so all other options are outweighed by God, causing you to present at your true value and in your purpose.

Look at it like this...

Genesis 3:1

Now the serpent was the most cunning of all wild animals that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “ Did God really say,’ You can’t eat from any tree of the Garden’?”

  • Here the serpent is attempting to distract Eve from her purpose, which is to glorify God, by attempting to discredit God’s accountability and get Eve to weigh his word over God’s.

Genesis 3:2-3

The woman said to the serpent, “ We may eat from the fruit from the trees in the garden. But about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said, ‘ You must not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’ “

  • Eve is using the words of God simply as a response to the serpent's sneaky question.

Genesis 3:4-5” No! You will not die,” the serpent said to the woman. “In fact, God knows that when you eat your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

  • This is where the serpent comes in and attempts to completely discredit God’s character.. He is trying to make God out to be a liar. The serpent is attempting to make God’s word weightless, optional, meaningless. If he is successful he will be able to distract Eve from her purpose by convincing to place his word over God’s. Therefore, making Eve accountable to his words and not her purpose which is to glorify God..

Genesis 3:6 The woman saw the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom. So she took some fruit and ate it; she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

  • Eve used the word of God simply as a response. That is not enough. The word of God needs to be your focal point, your anchor, your bumpers to keep you on the path for a strike EVERY TIME. She would have known that she was already made in the likeness and image of God and no fruit would have made her more like God than she already was.

Understand this...

God completed his purpose in Eve when he created her. He always follows through. God made her in his image and likeness. He gave her dominion, authority, direction, and directions. She didn’t have to work for it, they were already hers because of God. When she was presented with this particular opportunity to abide in the abundance of her purpose she became distracted and then a distraction. When you are accountable to your purpose, your actions and decisions are based on the truth of God’s word and His purpose in you. Your steps are not determined by someone’s ability to make a good argument, your circumstances, other people’s thoughts of you, or even your thoughts of yourself.

Take this home...

Here are 4 tips to living life accountable to your purpose, giving you the power to eliminate every distraction:

  1. Get anchored- It is important not only to know what the word of God says but also to be anchored (provided with a firm basis or foundation) in the word. This is knowing that humanity is made in the likeness and image of God and therefore treating your neighbor as such, no matter what. This will cause your actions and decisions to be accountable to your purpose, to glorify God, and not on distractions of any type.

  2. WADE on it- When you are experiencing distractions of any type internal or external you need to WADE through it. Wade means to move or proceed with difficulty or labor; wade through the crowd, wade through all the evidence. When you are presented with a distraction WADE through all of the emotions, evidence, unbelief, traditions,and rituals until you get to the truth that is the word of God. It won’t always be easy but it is always purposed, there are some things that you will learn along the way.

  3. Let it go- You don’t need to know everything. Not knowing everything will not get you caught up. Pretending you know everything will. If you are presented with something whether good or bad and you are unsure if it is a distraction, literally talk,journal,pray, and/or communicate with God about it. Be confident in not moving until you receive direction from Him ( when I say from Him I mean directly from Him or divinely inspired by Him this can mean through people, shows, songs, books, etc) . Therefore, make sure during this time of letting it go you are consecrating ( setting yourself apart) from blatant distractions. You do not want to be inspired by a distraction to keep on being distracted. Letting go shows your accountability to your purpose. It reveals that you do not know it all and that you rely on the one who does. This glorifies God, this is purpose.

  4. Ace it - Know that being distracted is not a punishment! Even if you make the wrong decision this time you can still Ace it. How? What did you learn about God in this situation? What did you learn about yourself in this situation? How did this distraction redirect you to your purpose of glorifying God? Even when you get it wrong you can be accountable to your purpose by always being willing to start again.

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17 jun 2021

“Be confident in not moving until you receive direction from Him” stood out to me! This is definitely something I need to work on. A lot of times I get impatient and make my own decision. I need to learn how to wait for God‘s response and not be easily distracted with what’s going on around me.

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Girl me too! It takes training it takes time and it takes being willing ❤️

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17 jun 2021

“God completed his purpose in Eve when he created her.” This makes things so simple. We don’t have to overcomplicate or overdo things to fulfill our purpose. If who we are glorifies God then DASSIT! This blog has so many golden nuggets. I had to go back a reread it!

The tip about let it go, you don’t need to know everything hit me hard. I used to let not knowing enough, keep me from doing and being who God created me to be. I was distracted by the information I felt I needed to know instead of walking in my purpose and allowing God to lead me.

Even if I don’t know everything I can still Ace…

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Thank you for reading ❤️

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