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ABC's of Purpose

Often times purpose can seen like an intimidating subject. All purpose requires of you is for you to be exactly who God called you to be. You don't have to strain and you do not have to struggle, but you do have to be and that requires effort. Today I have outlined for you how to "be" in purpose and I have made it as easy as A,B,C.

Purpose as Easy as ABC

A is for Accountability. Accountability is a state of being. You are accountable to your purpose. Your purpose is God's responsibility but your opportunity to live and abundant life.

B is for Believe. Believe there is a specific purpose that you were created for. Regardless of what transpires, let your behavior match your belief that you were made for a purpose that involves good works.

C is for community. Live, do life ( spiritually, mentally, & emotionally) with people that are called to the same purpose. Be mindful of that community.

D is for Done. Your purpose was prepared ahead of time it is done. You need to walk in it.

E is for Endurance. Endure because you know and believe that you were created for this process, for a purpose.

F is for Forgiveness. Forgiveness takes blinders off of your eyes so that you may see depth in the situation and not just rely on the surface. We understand how this situation may direct or redirect us to our purpose, therefore, forgiveness is a must.

G is for God. God is the one who gave you a purpose and it involves and evolves around Him.

H is for Healing. Your purpose always causes you to be healed and whole.

I is for Identity. When you know your identity you know what you were created to do, where you belong, where you come from, and where you’re going. Identity is essential to purpose

J is for Judgement. Your purpose leads you to dwell in the judgment of God and God alone.

K is for Kept. When you know your purpose you know that you are kept by God and you don’t look to be kept by anyone or anything else.

L is for Love. When you operate in your purpose you have unconditional love for self and therefore you can have unconditional love for others because you know that your purpose is attached to their life and vice versa.

M is for Majesty. When you operate in your purpose you know that you are royalty, majesty so you are to shine bright hold your head up high and walk confidently into and with your purpose

N is for Narrative. When you operate in your purpose you narrate your life from beginning to end. You know what you were created to do so despite the situation or the circumstance, despite the highs and the lows, you know that every plot, subplot, character, rising action, falling action, and resolution leads you or redirects you to your purpose.

O is for Options. Operating a purpose gives you options you know that you can do anything and you choose options specific to what you were created to do.

P is for Purpose. Your purpose is to glorify God with every position, passion, room, place, relationship, choice, & option, your purpose is to glorify God.

Q is for Quiet. Your purpose gives you the causes you to quiet your mind, heart, emotions, and the world so that you can rest. Because purpose requires rest.

R is for Rebuilding. Purpose causes you to be rebuilt, it allows those areas in your life that you thought were destroyed due to trauma or situations and circumstances out of your hands. Conducting your life congruent to your purpose causes you to be rebuilt.

S is Surrender. Your purpose requires you to surrender it requires you to surrender popular culture, self sabotaging, thoughts, behaviors, ideals, traditions in exchange for freedom in purpose.

T is for Test. Your purpose gives you the opportunity to be tested. Being tested allows you to be refined, sharpened, and allows you to show up again better and greater.

U is for Unique. Purpose presents you unique there is only one you with your size, shape, pomp, circumstance, voice, ideas, passions and your purpose. The way that you glorify God with the gifts and talents that you have, with the story that you tell, with the community that you keep, and with the love that you have is unique and only you do it.

V is for Veneration. Your purpose will cause you to have great respect, reverence, veneration for the one who created you.

W is for Wade. Your purpose will give you the courage you to Wade through life circumstances, righteous judgment, your thoughts, situations, limited understanding, insecurity, doubt, all because of Purpose.

X is for Xenomania. Your purpose will cause to to have a deep passion for kingdom culture you will no longer be so deeply attached to the things that are common.

Y is for Yes. Purpose will require a yes, not once but every day with every thought with every option with every idea with every circumstance and situation with every post with every clap back purpose will require you to say yes to doing things in congruence with your purpose.

Z is for Zeal.This will cause you to have a great zeal that you can’t contain. A zeal for walking in your purpose and teaching and guiding others to do the same.

Desiring to know more and learn what to do with the ABC's of purpose visit my youtube channel and subscribe!

Make sure you join my site for the community discussion and engagement.

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