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Updated: Dec 15, 2020

My narrative is a way of presenting my situation and understanding everything that happened for me in a way that reflects and promotes a Christ-like point of view.

I have been through many things that could have and should have taken me out, if not physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By no means do I believe that God wanted or intended for these things to happen to me. But I am aware that I live in a fallen broken world AND still God can get the glory out of this broken thing. Therefore, I narrate my life in a way that shows his glory, indiscriminate mercy, and unlimited favor.

How do I do that? Whenever I share my story, I:

  • Reference my situation and everything that happened for me through the lens of my Identity as chosen, a royal priesthood, Holy, and God's possession.


  • I understand and believe that this is a temporary occurrence in the history of my eternity with Christ. This does not give me an excuse to ignore or rush the situation. But charges me to be present, experience it, look for, and find nuggets in the situation that point to the special gift of salvation in my life.

  • I share my narrative in a way that reflects the Gospel. In a way that shows how Christ Jesus stepped in the gap for me with all power and authority under God.

  • I present my narrative in a way that shows how I am dedicated and consecrated for the purposes of God.

  • I understand that I do not belong to my situation, circumstance, injury, disease, etc. I belong to God.

Here is an example my story:

I was raised by my amazing mentally ill mother, in government housing, below the poverty line. ⠀

I grew up not knowing my dad. Still to this day, I don't know him and he doesn't know that I am his daughter.⠀

In December of 2002, my mom had a psychotic episode that changed my life forever.⠀

It was three days of my mom experiencing suiciding and homicidal ideation.⠀

My siblings in I were put in life or death situation.⠀

The episode ended in my brother and I being helicopter flown to shock trauma. ( If you want to hear the whole story check out my youtube channel in my bio)⠀

To the doctor's surprise, my brother, who was just one year old, experienced no physical harm after being thrown and beaten.⠀

While I had a bruised shoulder just from being pulled and yanked.⠀

For most, this would have taken them out.⠀

But for me, it instilled hope and a thirst for purpose.⠀

I was tired of living in bondage to fear, deception, insecurities, and pain. I was tired of statistics telling me what and who I was going to be. I was tired of broken relationships and being ruled by emotions. I wanted to live purposefully.⠀

It was a process, AND it was worth it. I went to college 2 times, served in Americorps, got married, and started a family. We live purposefully.⠀

I wouldn't change what happened for anything. Although it IS hard and my mom is currently in a state psychiatric facility. I know that through all this darkness God was able to preserve me, develop me, and present me purposefully.

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