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It's Deeper than that...

So boom...


A Holy Spirit led life is deeper, it's wider, it's bigger, it is MORE imperative than being a "good" person, wearing a dress down to your ankles and a shirt up to your chin.

Living a Holy Spirit led life is more meaningful than your following to followers ratio, more distinguished than your degree, and refined than your denomination.

Y'all it is more, more than being able to refrain from cursing and looking like you have it all together.

You can be a “good” person, wear all the “modest“ clothes, go to church every Sunday, and never be transformed because you are focused on the rules and not the relationship that is available to you through the Savior.

This life is about being rewired, transformed, renewed. To not only look like Christ to the naked eye but to be transformed into Christ from the inside out. The Bible says that we are born into sin and shaped by inequity and I like to say when you come to Christ and are born again that you are born into grace and shaped by faith. So you are RENEWED not REFURBISHED.

Y'all I'm working on it. Being transformed from the inside out THROUGH my relationship with the Savior. I have to allow him to rewire my mind and not social media or anything else. I have to allow him to govern how I define my life, my world, & myself, by Kingdom criteria, and not worldly criteria. You see the central point of all the WORK that has to be done is HIM, but I gain everything joy, peace, love, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, and self-discipline in the process.

So it is deeper than being "anti" or against XYZ. It is more than the act of taking a secular beat and putting "Christian" words on it. Or taking a popular phrase and switching one word for it to sound "Christian".

Ok look yall, it is deeper than not having sex just because your mama or dady told you not to. It is the reason, the thought process, the life, the spirit, the belief, the savior, that lead up to this decision.

We are to be made into the image of Christ, yes, but deeper than that we are to have the MIND of Christ. Having the mind of Christ causes us to be like Christ not only in a topical way but also in a way that replaces, replenishes, and renews the way we think, talk, and interact and associate with the world at large. When you are made into the image, exact image of Christ, you have the opportunity to discern his will & live his will for your life. When God renews your mind you realize that you can no longer measure yourself up to the criteria of this world because you AIN'T from these parts. You no longer see troubles the same, generational cycles the same, or even nature the same. It is all a reflection of the existence of our savior.

Listen... I battle negative thoughts. Daily. At one point in my life, I convinced myself that I was created to be hurt, ridiculed, and left. Although I do not believe that anymore the remnants of that thinking still tries to make its way into my mind. But THANK GOD, I'm grounded and have been transformed so the weapons of my warfare are different. I no longer have to " cut people off" in fear of getting too close to somebody and being hurt, I no longer have to " clean up " before I meet new people so they can like me, and I no longer have to "build a wall" to "protect" myself from the world. JESUS GAVE ME A CHOICE! He transformed me. So I am able to tap into a supernatural source that is literally out of this world for weapons that can both defend and protect.

So it is deeper than just looking, sounding, and walking like Church. Anyone can mock another person but it is another thing to be able to produce the same power and that comes through transformation.

So with all that said this, " TRY JESUS NOT ME" joint don't's disrespectful

If you try me you also try Jesus and you don't want that work ...

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