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I am Purposefully Planted

Hey y'all

Today I want to share with y'all the meaning, the understanding, the mindset of being Purposefully Planted.

Currently, I live my life under the understanding and mindset that I am Purposefully Planted by the creator of the universe and have been redeemed by Jesus Christ.

Story time...

I grew up in a loving single-parent home with a hardworking mother that was mentally ill with 4 children. Out of my 4 siblings, I am the one that doesn't know my father and he doesn't even know he has a daughter. We lived in government housing and lived below the poverty line.

I felt like tumbleweed, a plant without root being tossed to and fro leaving a piece of me with every change in direction.

On a Friday in December of 2001, my mom had another psychotic episode. This episode was like no other. I'll spare you the details. But what I will say is, it lasted three days and resulted in my youngest brother being flown in a helicopter to shock trauma because of injuries they believed he sustained. By Monday, I was sent back to my middle school.

The word about my mother's psychotic episodes had gotten out. It felt like ever corner I turned there was a finger pointed at me accompanied with a, " HAHA! Your mom tried to kill you". I felt so empty, thirsty to be consumed by anything that was willing to come my way.

I took on other people's opinions of me as my narrative, my identity, and my purpose to fulfill. I began to build this image of myself that reflected the opinions, projection, and rejection that I absorbed from what I thought was my community.

I was an unworthy, rejected, a forgotten spectacle that was meant for brokenness, doom, and distruction. I felt like I did not belong to anything and whatever I did belong to was .... trash. Therefore, I tried to cling to anything that came my way and you had to pry it out my hand, finger by finger for me to let it go. That is whether it was negative or positive. Every trauma, every relationship, every blessing, every miracle, every stressor, every achievement, and every failure.

You could have likened me to tumbleweed. Being tossed to and fro by the wind and whatever other force moved me, and losing pieces of me with every change in direction.

But God...

During my college winter break in December of 2010.

I woke up on someone's bathroom floor with tissue stuffed in my pants and reeking of urine. Once again, I spent the night before living up to someone else's understanding of who I was trying to fill a void that was unquenchable, insatiable by fickle, futile, and limited people.

My cousins took me home. I hopped in the shower and allowed myself to be cleaned up physically and spiritually. I poured the contents of my heart out to God. Every seed that was trying to bury itself in the soil of my heart. I exposed it to the Son, so he could tend to my aching heart. It all came out all the seeds of rejection, bitterness, envy, abandonment, fatherlessness, strife, poverty, anger, deceit, fear, pain, he began to remove them. Through the exposure to the Son, my roots began to find a home and anchor in Him. The wind, the rain, the sleet, the snow, the hail, the floods, the drought, the pruning, the tugging, the uprooting, was all purposed for the betterment of my growth toward the Son.

I was no longer a nomadic piece of tumbleweed prematurely separated from my home.

I understand that I am PurposefullyPlanted and EVERYTHING is working for my good.

I am Purposefully planted I understand:

  1. My identity

1 Peter 2:9

I am God's daughter periodt.




For His own possesion

Telling the world how my Daddy brought me out of the bondage of deceit, misery, and punishment by exposing me to the Son which led me into divine truth.

For His own possession

2. My narrative John 3:14-18

I speak my story from the vantage point of a daughter of the one true living God ( Chosen, Royal, Holy, and my Daddy's possession) No longer from the point of trash and or a slave ( victim, broken, fearful, unworthy). EVERYTHING is working for my good.

3. Healing Lev. 17:11, 1 Peter 2:24

That healing from my childhood trauma is my responsibility but my Daddy's job. It is my divine right. He has done it, I must continually expose myself to the Son.

4. Rebuilding 1 Peter2:5, Amos 9:11-15, Romans 12:1-2

I bolding walk in this position as daughter with all power and authority. It is a process where I take non linear steps to continually shift my point of view the uforseen and temporary situation and or circumstance and focus on allowing my Father to use all of my life to continually reveal my true identity as his daughter.

5. Faith Hebrews 11

It is by faith, in Jesus, that I can withstand this this purposed transformation along with day to day life.

6. Community Hebrews 10: 19-25, Acts 2:42-47, Romans 12: 3-8

Community is absolutely essential to maintaining my identity, sustaining and rehearsing my true narrative, provides an environment that promotes healing, tools to rebuild, and equipment to exercise our faith. It is vital that I surround myself with people that encourage, challenge, and empower me to live life towards the Son.

7. Purpose Romans 8:30, John 1:11-12, Ephesians 2:1-10, Ephesians 5:1

Purpose, dominion was carefully grafted on the inside of me to be God's daughter periodt. To make His name great with every gift and talent in the season in which he releases.

I want you to join me in Jumpstarting our 2020 in and on purpose! I am hosting a challenge join here

Check the podcast correlating to this blog post here

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