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How to Heal on Purpose

So, as I narrate my story, even from a position of purpose, there are situations and or circumstances that cause me to need healing. Any situation/circumstance that caused me to chronically operate outside of my identity has caused me to need healing. Why? Because when I operate outside of my identity it causes me to conform ( be molded into an image other than the image of Christ) rather than being transformed (into the image of Christ).

Yes, ALL things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. AND, healing and calling are not mutually exclusive. And, just because all things work together for the good doesn't mean that all things that are happening are good, moreover, I am in need of healing and always will be. Why? Because this world is always trying to convience me to conform rather than transform.

Furthermore, my healing has to be purposeful and solely dependent on the Spirit of the one true living God. But what does that look like, in REAL life? I'm glad you asked sis:

  1. My healing has to be dripping with the living word.

Yes, ALL things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. AND, healing and calling are not mutually exclusive. And, just because all things work together for the good doesn't mean that all things that are happening are good, moreover, I am in need of healing and always will be. Why? Because this world is always trying to convince me to conform rather than transform. The Word gives us the tools we need to endure this battle and always have the victory. Ephesians 6:14 tells us the 1st piece of armor we should take up when in a battle & that is the belt of truth! The belt of truth is imperative because it:

1. Aids in controlling posture.

2. Protects vital organs

3. Held the soilders weapons

I believe the writer was purposeful in naming the belt of truth as the first piece of armor. When your core is belted with truth, you are always in the posture to receive what is ordained by God for you to have AND steward it well. Also, when my core is belted with truth my vital organs are protected, spiritually. When I am postured in truth, there is no lie not even from the trauma that can penetrate my most vital spiritual organs to cause death. The deception wouldn't make it to your vital spiritual organs because he belt of truth HOLDS MY WEAPONS so as soon as an enemy, a traumatic thought, a trigger would try to engage off the hip of my belt you can engage the truth to shoot that deception down and heal ON PURPOSE. But as soon as I loosen that belt, your organs are exposed, your posture will slack, and your weapons will become out of reach causing you to be vulnerable to enemy attacks.

2. I have to check the sender on every thought.

Sometimes, I suffer from stinking thinking so I have to be very purposeful about what I am thinking. There was one season in my healing process where I noticed that my thoughts were extremely STANKING THANKING. So I placed this Philippians 4:8 on the message board in my room. I did not just look at it but I LIVED IT. How?

1 I played music that made me THINK & SPEAK things that were in

accordance with thins scripture. I had my cousin make me a whole playlist

dedicated to my thoughts. Here is the playlist.

2 Everythought I caught that was outside the boundaries of this scripture I

would investigate. I asked the thought WHO SENT YOU! Fear? Rejection?

Brokeness? Anger? Jealousy? etc. Upon the discover , I would ACT according

to the fruit of the spirit. Even while thinking and or feeling otherwise. That

means when I was angry, I remained angry and made the decision to confront

whatever situation that was making me angry in love, instead of confronting

the situations to get revenge, to tear down, or to be unforgiving. Listen, it is

not easy and sometimes I mess up. But every time I showed up and was

purposeful about my decision to heal. Healing is not linear but it is continual.

So I will continue to make the decision to heal with every opportunity.

3. I let God get the glory.

I understand that God can and will get the glory at of EVERY part of my life. John 9:13 shows us that some "dysfunctions" happen in our life so that God can get the glory out of it. I let him period. If God is getting the glory out of my dysfunction, my disease, and my pain I let him. This may sound like why would God do that. Listen, one day when I am healed from XYZ, just like in John 9, people will say." Isn't that Tasha the girl that dealt with XYZ"? Some won't even be able to recognize me and some will, shoot they may even argue about it. But the glory will come out of my testimony of how God restored me and I will give ALL glory to God for my restoration. My healing won't just heal me, but it will also give others the opportunity to be healed but witness the glory of God. Therefore, I TRY not to rush it mumble or complain and surrender my healing timetable to God who is always on time.

I pray that this blog has given you some encouragement, tools, and wisdom on your purposeful healing journey. I would love to hear what you would add to this list. Leave me a comment.

Don't forget to add me on Instagram @purposefullytasha

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