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Identity. The Breakdown

So boom listen.

I walked around with an identity disorder for a good portion of my life.

Not an actual diagnosis, but let me explain.

I let my environment and situation define me & began to try to shape my habits, beliefs, and practices around it.

But somehow I still felt like I stuck out like a fly away false eyelash.

No matter what I did or who I was around, it just felt forced.

In retrospect, I know that through these different situations, circumstances, relationships, and institutions that God was bringing me to a greater understanding of who he was and consequently who I am.

The bible tells us in 1 Peter2:9:

" But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;"

Here is the break down of my identity and yours if you too are a believer in Christ Jesus.

( I used to get the Hebrew/Greek translation)

Chosen Generation - A family chosen as a recipient of a special privilege; salvation.

Royal Priesthood-mediators who serve under the power and authority of God

Holy Nation- A sacred and pure multitude of people.

His own special people- The church, belonging, and being under the control of God.

So let me explain this (spiritual) identity disorder:

Chosen generation - I was ( and still am) a CHOSEN member of a family who has the special privilege of salvation, Instead of functioning in the special privilege I was living as if I had nothing to give and the truth was that I was, and am a recipient of a special privilege that the world needed, salvation. This is a trick of the enemy. The deception that you have nothing to give/offer when you in fact have the very thing that your neighbor, teacher, doctor, friend, family member needs; salvation.

Royal Priesthood- a mediator is, " A person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between". Instead of being a mediator, I had become a person in conflict. Another trick of the enemy is to get you to be desensitized to the conflict in the world. The conflict between light and dark, cold and hot, holy, and evil. There is a conflict in this world and as believers, we are to use our power and authority to shed light on the dark places. Identify, isolate, and transform them into a place of light.

Holy Nation - I am sacred and pure through the gospel. Set apart. When you are Holy and Sacred you are dedicated to the purposes of God and the purposes of God alone. Regardless of the situation, circumstance, or environment no matter what you see think, or feel it is about God. But I was double-minded, man forget double. I was double, quadrouple minded, dedicated myself to anyone that would give me attention. Again, this deception is welcomed by the enemy. The enemy will be happy for you living for the likes, follows, and trends because in doing this you will always be derailed from your destiny and purpose. The likes, follows, and trends are not the problem, the issue comes into play when we highlight who and what are the motivating factor behind them.

His own special people- Listen I am and will always be under the liberty and direction of God and dassit. But before I was under the jurisdiction of my environment being flung to and fro like a rag doll. Sewing seeds to the wind. It's not by chance that we, I, reap good fruit. You reap good fruit by sewing divinely into the one that sewed into you.

I challenge you to take inventory of your life in reference to your identity as a chosen race, royal priesthood, Holy nation, and His own special people. Don't lose sight of your identity. I need you to know who you are and show up as such.

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