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Fixed on Christ Focused on Purpose!

SOo0o0o y'all. I have been contemplating what my first post would be about. Do I write an intro or do I dive on in?

I decided to DIVE!

So my friend Charm and I have been doing this "Get Up" challenge where we keep each other accountable to Getting up and spending quality time with God. One thing that is incorporated into this challenge is journaling which is something I never do consistently because of, well that's another story for another day but yeah, journaling. One of my most impactful journal entries during this challenge started with, " Freedom is".

I noticed that I was being bound by my feelings & emotions. I noticed that I would become fixed on my emotions leading to my spirit being grieved. I know that I am the only one who experiences this so let me also explain. I begin to feel angry and become what feels to be locked into that emotion. I want to let go of these angry emotions but I feel locked in and continue to go down the rabbit hole of how I even got angry IN THE FIRST PLACE! When I am bound to anger I can't love like I want to, I can't laugh like I want to, I don't feel peace like I am called to, all I can see feel and taste is ANGER! Leading to self-sabotaging behavior, this ain't it. This ain't freedom.

Freedom is being able to love at all times through all things. Yes, even through anger, freedom, through Christ, allows me to feel anger and process it in love. Set boundaries in love, & continue to pursue purpose. You see, everything outside of Christ, WILL BIND YOU, and distract you, even the things that LOOK good.

- More Followers

-New Job

-New Friends

-New House

-Weight Loss

Those things all look good and can be great, but when they are pursued OUTSIDE of your personal relationship with Christ they can and will become an idol and distraction you from your purpose which is only pursuable within the freeing confines of a relationship with Christ. You can get so wrapped up in the things that you begin to neglect the purpose of the thing which is to glorify God. Whatever you exalt higher than Christ will bind you and deter you and or delay you from your purpose. But when you pursue these same things with God, your spirit is free, grace abounds, and purpose is pursued.

So, I need you to understand this. No purpose, no freedom, nothing last outside of what is done not only for, but through Christ! DASSSIT! When you are fixed on Christ, you are in purpose. Christ IS purpose.

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